The Superior Sex

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Chapter 3:  Strength times 1000 for the five young women.


“Since the football team lost again, everyone will be downtown on the main strip partying.  Let’s see what mischief we can get into, especially when shit heads from “STATE” drive around and start taunting our school”, says Linda to the girls.


Cathy flexes her muscles and replies back, “Now that sounds fun, I think I’ll wear something a little sexy”.   Linda answers back, ‘I’m going to wear very little and that should be very sexy”.


Natalie adds, “I’m going to wear something I can get out of quickly, I personnel plan to wear out a dozen men with my body”. The girls all agree to change into very sexy clothing and meet back at the class room in one hour.


The five gorgeous young women all gather back at the classroom and they are looking fantastic. Their firm young muscles are exposed and they are flaunting 90% of their bare well tanned and muscular skin.  Once they are all gathered together, they start to walk across campus towards the downtown strip. However, the girls can not resist using their new found muscles.  They pass a series of large concrete barriers / planters used to prevent vehicles from entering certain areas of the campus.  They are about 2 meters square and a meter high and are filled with soil and beautiful plants.  They must weigh a good metric ton. 


Linda walks over to one of the barriers, places her hands in the grove on the side and lifts up one end.  Cathy soon joins her and lifts the other side of the barrier.  Together, the girls struggle but they manage to lift and carry the concrete barrier about 10 meters to the other side of the street.  Patty and Amy also pick up one of the barriers and carry it across the street.  The girls continue until the have moved about 10 barriers.  Meanwhile, Natalie recognizes what the girls are doing and goes over to a couple of street signs that indicate the directions for traffic and twists the metal post 90 or 180 degrees.  She does this with nothing but her hands and arms strength.


The girls all laugh as Natalie says, “That will cause some traffic confusion on Monday morning”.


As the girls continue walking, Cathy sees one of the campus’s security vans and recognizes the driver. She turns to the other girls and says, “I’ve a bad idea.  The security guard driving that vehicle has been trying to hit on me for the past two years, he won’t let me alone. He’s an absolute asshole.   I’ll keep him distracted in the back of the van and perhaps the four of you could move it somewhere special”.  The girls all look around and Natalie says, “Perchance, maybe the four of us could lift the van up, carry it over to that fountain and place it between those two statuses. I believe that van will wedge in between there nicely”.  Cathy snickers and says, “YES! Great idea now let me get started”.


Cathy walks up to the van and goes to the driver’s door and says to the security guard in a very sexy tone, “Hi, I’ve been looking all over campus for you.  It’s about time we get better acquainted”.  The security guard just sits there and stares at Cathy as she places her hands on her hips and thrusts out her breasts.


The security guard finally stutters and says, “Ah, Ah, Cathy.  How’s it going?  You look great.  You been working out”?


Cathy replies as she steps closer to the van and rests her large breasts on the bottom of the window frame and says, “Oh yes, I’ve been working out, would you like to see all my muscles, up close and personnel”.


The guard is speechless, his tongue is hanging out and he is drooling.  He finally says to Cathy, “Yes, but when, I’m on duty right now”.  Cathy replies as she releases the clasp on her halter top and lets her halter fall to her side and reveals her large firm muscular chest and breasts, “How about right now, there seems to be plenty of room in the back of this van”.  The guard says to Cathy, “I’ll open the back door and let you in the van”.


The unexpected guard opens the back door and lets Cathy in the back of the van and Cathy is not shy with the guard.  She pushes everything off a bench, easily lifts the guard and seats him on the bench. She takes off her remaining clothing, piles them neatly to one side, and then rips open the guard’s uniform shirt.  She continues by taking his gun belt and using both hands, tears his gun belt and buckle open with a snap of her arm muscles.


“WOW”, exclaims the guard, “You are strong for a woman”. And Cathy thinks to herself, “You’re a fucking clueless idiot”.


Cathy grabs the guard’s cocks with her hands and forcible strokes it several times to get it sufficiently hard so it can enter her body.  She powerfully but easily pushes the guard down on a bench and straddles his hip, allowing his swollen cock to enter her body. Within a few seconds, Cathy is pounding his body with authority.  Her muscular legs, thighs, and hips are driving her pussy up and down on his cock like a jack hammer.  The guard screams with ecstasy.


The fours girls outside begin to notice the van start rocking and Linda says, “That Van’s a rocking, don’t come knocking”, to which Amy replies, That Bronco bucking, they probably fucking”.  The girls all laugh as they walk over to the large van and the each  girls picks up a corner of the van and easily lift it off the ground and over their heads. They casually carry the van over to the fountain, walk over a small wall and into the water and carefully begin to place the van between two massive statues.  Linda then says,” Girls, I can feel this van pounding several times a second and I suspect it’s Cathy screwing that  stupid guard.  Let’s see if we can assist and get this van rocking in sync with her pounding.  The girls all giggle as they begin to shake the van in rhythm with Cathy’s fucking of the guard.  The four girls continue shaking the van while it’s over their heads as if their exercising until Amy says, “That guard’s history”.  The girl then wedge the van length wise between the two large statues and step back.  Several seconds later, the passenger’s door swings open with a loud “THUD” as Cathy blasts her hips into the door and tears open the door without using the door handle.


The girls again walk towards the downtown strip and Cathy says. “I’d like to be there later when he tries to explain this situation”.


It’s not long before a large older convertible pulls up next to the five girls.  There are five young male students in the car and they all have their tongues hanging out like overheated puppy dogs. 


“AH! Would you girls like a hot ride downtown”, says the guy riding shotgun.   Natalie strolls her tall hard body over to the guy, leans over on the car’s door, exposing most of breasts and says in a low tone of voice, “How much does this big old clunker weigh”.


“What” replies the guy as he shakes his head?  But before he could cay anything else Natalie says with enthusiasm, “Of course we would enjoy a ride downtown, and perhaps we could stop off  at an out of the way location to get better acquainted”.


The guy says to Natalie, “Jump on in, there plenty of room for you and all your friends”


The girls leap in the large convertible and find somewhere comfortable to sit.  Amy and Natalie are in the front seat and Patty, Cathy, and Linda are in the back seat and the girls are having fun.  Patty sits on a guy lap facing him and massages her huge tits into his face.  Linda and Cathy sit on the top of the back seat and wrap their firm young legs around the guys in front of them, forcing their muscular thighs into their cheeks. Amy is sitting sideways on the guys lap and showing the guy her leg and arm muscles, and Natalie long legs are straddled around the 4 speed floor shift. 


The driver places his hand on the gear shift, rams it into first, drops the clutch, slams it into second and then moves his hand to Natalie’s upper thigh.  He squeezes her firm muscular thigh with force, massages his fingers deeply into her rock-solid muscles.  The driver turns his head to Natalie and says, “Baby, you have some firm solid leg muscles, how’s the rest of your body muscles”.  Natalie replies as she shifts her eyes towards the driver, “Find a secluded location to park and I, along with my friends will show you all our muscles and just how strong young sexy females can be compared to males”.


The driver doesn’t hesitate as he pulls in the driveway of a local Frat House and continues until he is behind the building.


Natalie turns to the girls and says, “I going to demonstrate my superior strength.  You keep these guys occupied while I do a little strenuous, “HO, HO” exercising with this convertible.  Natalie jumps out of the convertible, strolls sexually to the front of the convertible and leans over.  Her large full figured breasts basically fall out of her top as she reached down and grabs the front bumper with both hands.  The five guys are all eyes on Natalie as she lifts the convertible up to her chest and kneads her breasts by rubbing the hood ornament against her tits.  Then she lifts the convertible completely over her head and begins to slowly do reps.  


Cathy leaps out of the back seat as she yells, “I could use a little exercise myself, and I’ll lift the back of this monster of an automobile”.  She steps over the trunk, jumps on the ground and using both hands, grabs the rear bumper and lifts the back end of the convertible over her head.  Then Cathy and Natalie both begin to exercise, doing over 100 reps in sync.  Then the two girls do another 100 reps with Natalie holding the car over her head while Cathy lowers the car to her chest.  Finally Natalie asks Cathy to hold her end up over her head as she attempts to complete a series of reps with just one hand. Natalie struggles as she does 20 reps with her right arm and another 20 with her left hand.


Natalie completes the reps but it was difficult. She was lifting well over 1000 kilos with only one hand.  Cathy is watching Natalie and after she completes all the reps, Cathy says, “Natalie, your body is becoming very muscular, your muscles are extraordinarily well defined and bulging. Your chest muscles forced your large breasts out to where I though they were going to burst open your top”.


Natalie replies, “Oh thanks Cathy, I’ve noticed the more I exercise and train, the more shapely and muscular my body becomes.  I hope to double my daily training for I’m looking forward to getting even much stronger”.  Cathy replies as she holds the rear end of the convertible over her head with one hand, “Yes, I also cannot wait until I can lift those 10000 kilo plates with only one hand”.


Natalie then looks up to the underside of the convertible and says, “This car is rocking, we better see what is happening up top”.  So both girls lower the car to the ground and walk around to the driver’s side door. 


All Natalie and Cathy see are the other three girls screwing the five guys. Amy has already fucked one guy in the front seat to the point of total exhaustion and the driver is loosing his cookies as Amy pounds his cock with her body.   Patty and Linda have both screwed one guy each and the guys are just lying in the back with smiles across their faces.  Now Linda begins to screw the third guy as Patty rubs her humongous breasts in his face.  It only takes a few seconds for the guy to completely shoot his wad inside Linda and then he goes so limp, his cock falls out of Linda’s body.


Linda stops her humping of the guy’s cock and says, “Let’s dump these guys and go find some real men”.   The girls easily pick up the five guys inside the convertible. Hand them to Natalie and Cathy, who carefully place them on the ground.  Natalie and Amy jump into the front seat with Natalie driving.  “Let’s get to town where there are more cars and men.  I want to enjoy playing with these toys with my body”, screams Linda as she puts her panties and shorts back on her body”.


Natalie drives off quickly, spinning and smoking the tires as the girls head to downtown.  And once the girls arrive and start driving on the downtown loop, it’s a blast.  Every guy is trying to pick up the five girls and the girls are just teasing the guys. They stop every once in a while and two or three of the girls jump out of the convertible to show off their strength.  They lift cars, bend metal post of street signs, lift up two or four guys at a time on their shoulder, and toss beer barrels as if they were ping pong balls.  After a few trips around the loop, a police vehicle pulls up behind them and turns on his lights and siren to signal for the car to pull over.  Natalie pulls over, and says to the other four girls, “ready for some real fun”.


The police officer walks up the Natalie and says, “Girls, you are having too much fun, it’s against the law to cruise the loop three times in an hour period.  I’m going to have to take you into the station and there is a stiff fine”.  The other officer now is out the police car and he goes to the other side of the convertible.  He just stares at the three girls in the back seat with his eyes and mouth wide open.   Patty finally says to the second officer, “Do you enjoy sexy young strong girls”, as she thrusts out her massive breasts and flexes her arm and shoulder muscles?  “AH, AH, AH, YES” is all the police officer can answer.  Patty turns her head around, look at the big police cruiser and says to the police officer, “How much does your vehicle weigh”?


The police officer cannot answer Patty, he’s to busy watching Linda crushing beer cans between her thighs and Cathy bending metal “NO PARKING” signs like they are pieces of cardboard.


The officer with Natalie finally says with a lump in both his through and his pants, “Follow me to the police station, it’s up one block on you right, just pull into the parking ramp”.  Natalie obeys the officer, follows him to the police stations parking ramp, pulls in and is directed to park the car over in a corner of the ramp behind an elevator shaft and a small office.


The two officers walk up to the convertible and again gawp at the five young girls.  The first officer says to Natalie, “The fine is over 100 dollars and we hold your car for two days.  That a stiff penalty, However, I’m sure I and my partner can reach a mutual agreement as he points to the small office door.   “OOOH, a mutual agreement” replies Natalie as she stands up in the front of the convertible and flaunts her tall muscular body to the officer.  She then jumps out of the car, rubs his already enlarged cock with her hand and starts to walk to the small office.  The second officer points to Linda and says, “We need a witness to this mutual agreement”.  Linda smiles as she also jumps out of the car and also takes the officer hand.  The second officer then turns to the three girls in the convertible and says with a confident attitude, “We’re good. We’ll be back for you three girls in about a minute”.  All five girls snicker, as Cathy replies, “In about a minute your cocks will be as limp as a wet noodle, and you will be begging for mercy”.


“Don’t try to do anything funny girls, your being watched by a surveillance camera” says the second officer as his eyes glance towards a steel pole with an exit sign on top.

Natalie and Linda follow the officers into the small office and once inside, it just two beds, some chairs, and a small bathroom.  “Well girls”, says the first officers, but before he could continue, Natalie and Linda have their clothing off and begin to take off the officers clothing.  Both girls grab the police officers gun belt and literally rip their leather belt in half with their hands and arm strength.  The easily pick up the police officers, throw them on the beds and rip off their trousers.  After a few seconds of stroking and sucking their cocks, Natalie and Linda jump on top of the two officers cocks with their body and begin to screw them with a vengeance.  The two officers are not sure of that going on and try to get up, but both girls easily push them down and hold them as they continue to humble their stiff cocks. In about a minute, both officers shot their manly wads deep into the girls and begin to become exhausted.  Within another minute both officers are almost unconscious from the pounding of Natalie and Linda bodies.


Linda finally gets up and says to her police office, “WIMPS, why don’t you call out an “OFFICER DOWN MESSAGE” and bring the rest of the force.  Hopefully they will be able to give me and my friend some real pleasure”.


Natalie chuckle, as she replies to Linda, “Let’s go see what the other girls have been up to in the parking ramp”.


Amy, Patty, and Cathy have been very busy since the police officers took Natalie and Linda into the small office.  Patty walked over to the steel post with the EXIT light attached and indeed she sees a video cable going into the exit sign.  A sure sign a camera is inside.  Patty grabs the 8 centimeter steel post with her bare hands and begins to push over the steel post.  Patty pushes hard, to the point where two buttons of her tight skimpy top pop open and her large breasts fall out.  She continues to push, bend, and twist the steel post until the video camera is pointing in a completely different direction. She then pushes the steel post back up so the camera is at the same height but facing away from the girls.  As soon as Amy and Cathy know the camera is not on them they walk over to the police cruiser.  Amy is on one side and Cathy on the other side of the cruiser and they pick up the cruiser and begin to raise it over their heads.  They get the car about to their chest when they hear the sound of something hitting hard.  They look up and realize they are directly under a concrete support beam.  The police cruiser’s roof has hit this overhead beam.  “Shit”, yells Amy, “We cannot lift it any higher, that beam is in the way”.  To which Cathy replies, “Let’s smash this piece of shit into the roof a few times and see what happens, Amy on the count of three”.  So Cathy counts to three and both girls lift the police cruiser up with force and slam the top of the police cruiser into the concrete beam.  The roof of the police car smashes inward about half a meter and the front and rear windows shatter.  Again Cathy counts to three and again the car is slammed into the roof, causing more crushing and smashing of the car.  Finally, the two girls are able to lift the car completely over their heads.  They then complete over 200 reps with both hands and over 100 reps with just one hand.


After Amy and Cathy complete their reps, Cathy says, “Lets see if we can bend this pile of junk around that concrete pillar”.  So the two girls get on one side of the car, Amy at the front and Cathy at the rear and they push hard on the car and slide it into the concrete pillar.  The car easily bends in the middle and begins to wrap around the concrete pillar.  This is what Natalie and Linda see as the exit the small office and both girls rush over to assist Amy and Cathy.  The four girls then work as a team to bend and crush the large police cruiser around the concrete pillar.  They completely succeed in bending the car so that the front and rear of the car meet on the far side of the concrete pillar. 


Natalie then says, “Let’s stack two of these police cars on top on one another and use it for a little exercise”.  But before Natalie can do anything, Linda and Cathy have already picked up a police car, lift it over their heads and slam it down on top of another car.  The roof of the bottom car is crushed completely down.  They reach down and lift both cars over their heads and begin to exercise.  “Fuck” yells Natalie, “We going to need to stack some more cars or find bigger cars”.


Patty is returned from her mission of pointing the camera away from the girls and as she walks away from the bent and twisted steel post, she notices two police motorcycles.  The big Harley’s must weigh close to 400 kilos each and they are parked next to each other.  She meanders between the two motorcycles, reaches down with her hands and grabs the bikes just below the big twin “V” motors.  A simple extension of her arms and an upward lift raises the bikes up to her massive chest.  She starts to walk over to the other girls when from a side corridor appears two police officers. 


The police officers’ just stands there, gawking at Patty.  She is holding two large motorcycles in her arms and her massive breasts have completely burst through her scanty top.  Patty stands there for a few seconds as the two officers are frozen in place and she finally says, “OK guy, are you going to pull out your manly weapons and shoot me full of your manhood, or are you going to whistle Dixie”?


The two officers are still frozen in place so Patty says, “Why not follow me to the special small office over in the corner of the parking ramp and I’ll demomostrate my special abilities to you, up close and personnel.  Oh and by the way, I have four other girl friends with the same special qualification to screw you insane”.


Patty walks towards the two offices, completing over a dozen overhead lifts with the motorcycles.  Her arm and shoulders muscles expanding as she easily raises the bikes.  Her huge chest muscles force her enormous breasts to push outward and stand firm and pert as her deep cleavage and aroused nipples draw the attention of the officers.


Patty is standing directly in front of the two officers, still doing reps with the heavy motorcycles.  She wets her lips with her tongue and says, “Come on little boys, follow me”, as she turns and walks towards the small office.  The two officers follow Patty like two little lost puppy dogs.


Once Patty is at the small office, Amy is first to see her and yells, “Hey Patty, are you going to share your catch”.  Patty replies back to Amy as she tosses a motorcycle to her, “Of course I’m going to share my catch.  Let’s go in the small office and we’ll show these nice officers our muscles and what we can do with these small bikes and they can show us their “HOOM” muscles.  The four enter the small office, shut the door and within a few seconds the three girls outside the office can hear the sounds of Patty and Amy screwing the hell out of the two police officers. And the girls hear one of the police officer yell, “Whatever you do, please don’t drop that motorcycle on me”.  It only takes a minute, but both Patty and Amy give screams of ecstasy before there is dead silence. Then Amy yells, “Ah come on guys, don’t tell me you’re finished already”.  Then a motorcycle comes crashing through the side wall of the office, followed by Amy as she uses her hips to demolish more of the wall.   Amy is putting her clothes back on her body as she looks at Natalie and says, “Let’s go find some real men, these guys are wimps”.


Natalie replies to Amy as she also is getting dresses, “Yea, let’s finds something a little bigger and heaver that these cheap police cars”.  The girls then get back in the convertible, and drive out of the parking ramp as if nothing happen.  They immediately drive down the main drag and an extra large king crew cab pickup truck with dual rear wheels pulls up next to them.  There are two guys in the front seat, two guys in the back seat and three guys in the pickup’s bed.  They holler at the girls and they begin to chatter back at forth.  The girls are having fun and the guys in the pickup truck convince the five girls into joining them in the pickup truck.  Amy tries to Parallel Park the convertible but just can’t accomplish the feat.  So Linda and Cathy jump out of the convertible and pick it up by the front and rear bumper, then simply walk it into the parking spot.  The guys in the truck cannot believe their eyes, but suspect is some kind of trick.  Then the girls jump into the large pickup truck with Amy and Natalie in the cab and Patty, Linda, and Cathy in the back.


The large pickup truck takes off and the girls start to chat.  It’s not long before they all agree to head for the city park and find a secluded spot. When they arrive at a secluded location, Amy says to the driver, “How would you like to see me and Natalie pick up this truck and lift it over ours head”.  The driver laughs, and replies, “You sure have an imagination; this truck weighs over 3 tons”.  Amy just smiles as she and Natalie jump out of the cab.  Natalie goes to the rear and Amy to the front and they easily lift the 3 ton truck over their head and quickly do several reps, shaking the large truck almost to pieces.


The two guys in the rear of the truck’s cab fling down the rear seat and grab two shotguns and jump out of the truck and they point their shotguns directly at Amy.  “Put the fucking truck down bitch or we’ll blast you to pieces”, yells the one guy.  Amy is terrified, not sure of the shotguns and puts the truck down.   The two guys race up to Amy as she slowly back away from the truck and within a few meters they have their shotguns pointing directly at her large breasts.


“What are you?  A freak”, says one guy and Amy replies, “No, I’m just a girl that wants to have fun. I don’t want to hurt anybody”.  The guy answers, “Well bitch, we’re going to hurt you, especially if there is any damage to my truck”.


Then from a short distance away everyone hears, “Hi girls, are these guys giving you any trouble”.  Everyone turns around and it’s Caroline.  Dressed very sexy and walking with extreme confidence.  She walks straight to Amy and positions herself between Amy and the two guys with the shotguns. “OOOH, little sex toys”, cries Caroline.   Then one of the guys places the muzzle of his automatic shotgun directly in Caroline cleavage and says, “Yea Baby, I’m going to really enjoy fucking your ass”.  Caroline stands there with her hands on her hips, wets her lips with her tongue, takes a deep breath and says, “Well asshole, I’m really going to enjoy fucking your truck”.  And as Caroline takes her deep breath, she slightly crushes the end of the gun barrel in her cleavage as she grabs both shotguns by the barrel.  Caroline easily positions the muzzles of the guns so they are pointing at her nipples and jerks both guns with authority.  This causes both guns to discharge and completely blast away her top.  Caroline isn’t phase in the least as she yells, “You asshole just ruined my favorite top.  That is going to cost you plenty”.


Caroline then yanks both guns from the two guys with a quick pull of her arms, and says to the girls, “Grab these guys and hold them still in front of this truck.  I’m going to have a little sexual pleasure with this chunk of useless metal”.  The five girls easily grab the seven guys with Amy holding the two guys that had the shotguns.


Caroline is holding both shotguns in her right hand as she walks up to the front of the pickup.  With her left arm, she slams her hands through the front grill, through the radiator, and through various metal parts of the truck.  The flimsy metal tears open as her finger serrate the grill, some supporting metal brackets, and the radiator until she has a grip on the main steel frame member.  Caroline’s fingers burrow into the solid steel frame, crumbling it like a piece of tissue paper.  She clumps up sufficient steel from the frame in her hand so she has an excellent grip and easily lifts the massive truck over her head in one smooth motion.  She twirls and rotates the heavy truck as if it’s a feather.  Her arm muscles don’t even show any sign of strain.  She toys with the large vehicle for a few seconds before dropping it to the ground.  She spins around to her five students and says, “I don’t believe anyone should ever point a gun at a person, someone could get hurt”.


Caroline leaps on the hood of the truck, sexually removes every bit of clothing to expose every centimeter of muscle on her shapely body and then flexes her huge muscles, just a little”.  She then positions herself at the very front of the vehicle’s hood with her feet dangling in front of the grill and spreads her super muscular legs extra wide. Caroline takes one of the 12 gauge shotguns, and inserts the muzzle into her hot, wet pussy. She twists and pulsates the steel barrel of the shotgun with her one hand as she drives the super harden steel about half the barrel’s length inside her body.  Caroline smiles as she takes the other shotgun and brings it up to her mouth watering lips.  She employs her dripping wet tongue to taunt the end of the steel barrel. First, tearing off the end site with a swipe of her tongue, and then forcing her long moist tongue into the muzzle and splits open the end of the steel barrel.  She then pushes the steel barrel into her mouth, massaging the cold hard steel with her tongue as her luscious lips crush the steel flat with absolute ease.  After teasing about 30 centimeters of fortify steel with her succulent lips and moist tongue, she reaches down to the trigger of both shotguns and pulls the trigger of the shotgun in her pussy and then the shotgun in her mouth.


Two muffles “POPS” are heard as Caroline stares at the two guys Amy is holding.  They are just remaining still as they watch in disbelief as Caroline pulls the triggers again and again; Caroline continues pulling the trigger until she empties both shotguns into her body.  She then gently pushes the entire barrel of the one shotgun into her mouth, using her tongue to mash and crush the steel barrel.  She then takes the trigger housing and crushes it with her hands until the steel turns into a mushy white hot substance which oozes out between her fingers.  Caroline takes the other shotgun and plunges the entire steel barrel into her pussy, and when the entire steel barrel inside her hot body, she closes her legs.  The lower part of the gun just falls aside to the ground.  Caroline takes a deep breath, spreads open her legs again and everyone sees white hot molten steel dripping out her cunt and onto the hood of the truck.  The steel easily burns completely through the flimsy sheet metal of the hood of the truck.


With a sigh, Caroline says to the crowd, “That didn’t give me any sexual pleasure; it barely tickled my sexual senses.  Maybe if I crush this stupid truck into a solid shaft and tease my pussy with it, I’ll give myself some pleasure”.  Caroline looks around and sees that the seven guys are all speechless and the five girls are giggling.  Linda looks up at Caroline and says, “What are we suppose to do with these guys. They are scared senseless, they aren’t even twitching a centimeter.


Caroline responses to Linda “Rip all their clothing off their puny bodies and let’s see if I can get their cocks to twitch a little.  And maybe, if they can somehow get aroused sufficiently, you can screw them until they beg for mercy. And believe me; I’ve never seen a true man that can’t get his cock super hard by watching women perform super feats of strength”. 


Linda immediately swings the guy she is holding with her one hand around and with her other hands, rips his shirt off his body with one pull. The buttons on his shirt pop off like exploding bolts.   She then tears open his belt buckle by ripping the metal buckle apart with her fingers and then rips off his pants and shorts, tearing the material into rags.  Once she has all his clothing off and a good grip on his wrist, she pulls him over to Amy.  Since Amy is holding two guys, Linda uses her free hand to rip off the clothing of one guy.  After she has all his clothing slashed off his body, she grabs the guy by his wrist and says to Amy, “The other guy is your, rip off his clothing”.  Amy immediately tears the guy’s clothing off his body.  Within 20 seconds, the girls have the clothing of the seven guys completely torn off their bodies”.


Caroline surveys the five guys as she sits on the hood of the huge truck, “How pathetic.  They just appear so weak and humble once you strip them down to there bare essentials; and of course take away their guns”.


Cathy then asks, Caroline in a giggly voice, “How long Caroline before you can induce them to explode their semen all over the ground”? 


“Well, with no personnel assistance from you, between 30 seconds and two minutes”, replies Caroline to the girls as she spreads her legs across the top of the truck’s hood and begins to close her legs.


Caroline closes her long muscular legs, somewhat slowly, crushing the metal hood down, through, and between her thighs. The sheet metal of the hood crumbles like flimsy tin foil trapped in a massive hydraulic press as her thigh muscles merge together.  Caroline’s calves also crush and push inward the top of the fenders and the sides of the hood.  She maintains her sexy, muscular leg squeeze as she gazes at the 7 guys; while sucking on her middle finger with her dripping wet mouth and tongue. And the 7 guys can easily apprehend that Caroline is crushing the hood and fenders of their truck with nothing but her sexy leg muscles.


The guys only witness the cheap metal of the front of their truck buckling and crumbling and all they hear are the sounds of a large diesel engine idling and sheet metal crushing and crinkling.  Then there is an abrupt end to the sound of the diesel engine.  It ends in an ear deadening thud as smoke comes pouring out of the engine compartment. And as Caroline continues to closes her legs together, her super muscular calves and feet wrap around the massive “V8” and she pulls it up between her legs where her shapely thighs massage and smash the front section of the engine into a glob of mangle metal.


With thick raw iron and metal oozing from between Caroline’s powerfully built legs, she lifts up her breasts with her hands and begins to suckle on her large engorged nipples. She looks upward at her audience and says in a sexy voice, “I simply love to use my sexy and super strong body to crush these useless vehicles into pile of scrap”.  She then releases her long powerful legs from around the huge motor and flings them over the front grill.  She spreads her legs, stretches them outward and lets them dangle over the front grill.  Caroline smiles as she tenderly curls her long legs backwards and again crushes, mangles, and destroys the entire front of the truck.  She curls her legs back into her well-rounded ass; where the radiator, metal frame, and front of the large motor are again mashed into a useless glob of metal.  Caroline flings her extended legs several more times and within a few seconds the entire front section of the truck is missing, or simply just crushed into a compress pile of crushed metal.


Caroline wiggles her seductive body backwards across the top of the metal hood towards the cab and again employs her powerful legs to crumble more of the fenders and large motor between her thighs. She repeats the process until her shapely ass finally bumps into the windshield and shatters the glass into the cab.  By this time, Caroline’s long commanding leg muscles have crush most of the front section of the truck into a long mangled mess of metal.  This includes the steel frame, front end springs, tires, breaks, steering, and motor.  And as she sits on top of the truck with her shapely ass on the dashboard, he again surveys her audience and says, “OOPS, sorry Linda, that guy you are holding has just exploded his manhood: I think he is worthless as a specimen for fucking.  You better grab one of the two guys Amy is holding as your play toy”.


Caroline then jumps down off the truck, walks to the front of the truck and using her hands, again crushes any remaining metal, rubber, or plastic into a shaft about 5 centimeters in diameter.  She creates a solid, white hot metal shaft about 3 meters long and using just one hand effortlessly lifts the shaft and the truck vertically into the air.  She swivels the truck around in a small circle a few time and then proceeds over to a large boulder.  Caroline jumps up on the boulder, wiggling her solid firm ass into the granite mass, and spreads her legs wide open.  She then inserts the white hot, 3 meter long solid metal into her moist pussy.  The sound of her bodily fluids vaporizing against the white hot metal shaft causes another guy to grab his cock and shot his wad high into the air.


Caroline just snickers and points to the guy as she continues to insert the metal shaft into her body.  The white hot highly compressed metal shaft easily slides into her wet awaiting pussy.  Caroline easily rotates, pulsates, plunges, and thrusts the shaft into her body.  And with Caroline’s superior strength, the metal shaft is reformed inside her pussy over and over as she propels more and more of the shaft into her pussy.  Caroline begins to pant, and then coo, and then moan as almost three solid meters of metal is inserted inside her body. Within 30 seconds, Caroline has inserted the metal shaft inside her pussy and the metal shaft is no longer considers mass in the technical definition. It no longer has mass as her pussy as basically annihilate every atom and molecule of the metal into nothingness.  Caroline final act is to kick her legs forward and send the remaining section of the huge truck several miles into the atmosphere.


Caroline takes a deep breath, stands up on the rock, and says to her five students, “Now girls, you are becoming very strong.  However, you are in that gray area where guns and bullets are still very dangerous. So be careful until you become extremely stronger.  As far as these guys are concerned, Fuck them hard; Fuck them so hard they will never again pull a gun on anyone”.


The five girls immediately oblige Caroline and fuck the guys until they beg the girls to stop.  After the five girls are done, and the put their clothing back on, Caroline makes a cell phone call and within five minutes five cars arrive and they are all packed with guys from area gyms.


“DESSERT” yells Linda!


Caroline calls over one guy from each car and her five super sexy students and gives them a pep talk. Caroline examines her audience and says, “Guy’s, my students need special education.  They are participating in my unique class for physical fitness. Would you be kind and take my young, fragile, inexperienced students to your gyms and instruct them on proper weight lifting techniques.  Sometimes the girls need the assistance of an experienced highly qualified male to demonstrate all the proper positions to develop all their muscles”.


The guys all gawk at the five female students of Caroline’s as they put their skimpy clothing back over their muscular bodies.  There is a moment of silence, then one guys says, “OH YEA, Caroline, we can teach these girls everything there is to know about weight lifting”, as he grabs his swallow cock.


Caroline places her hands on her sexy hips and says, “OK girls, please be attentive students, and don’t hurt these highly qualified instructors. Remember, they are fragile”.


Linda turns to Caroline with a smirk on her face, places her hands on her hips, and replies to Caroline, “HIGHLY QUALIFIED, The only qualifications these guys have are dangling between their legs”.


Caroline then whispers to Linda, “Linda, it’s for your benefit until you are bullet proof, which should be very shortly”.  Linda gives Caroline a positive nod and says, “Girls, allow these gentlemen to show us their special technique for muscle development, and perhaps we can strengthen the only muscle in their body that seen to have any purpose”.


The girls all jump into the cars, and each car has a minimum of five young athletic gym jocks.  Moreover, as they enter the cars, Linda says to Caroline, “How are you going to leave this area”.  Caroline, smiles as a large military vehicle pulls into the park as she replies, “Oh, I have a means of leaving and it has to do with your first exam”.  Linda replies, “OK” as she observes a large military 2 and half ton truck pull up and it’s crammed with 20 “GI’S” in the back and 6 “GI’S” in the front.


As the five cars pull away, Caroline yells, “Girls, tomorrow at 10 hundred hours at the classroom”, just as the military truck pulls up to Caroline.


The military officer in charge of the full platoon of young, physical fit, over worked, over sex, under paid, and under loved marine’s, jumps out of the military truck, and marches directly up to Caroline.  He stands there at full attention in front of Caroline’s nude muscular body and scream in a “DRILL INSTRUCTORS” tone of voice as he salutes Caroline, “MAM, all present and accounted for, Ready for you personnel inspection”. Caroline response very softly to the officer in charge, “Have your men fall out and form a straight line. Make absolutely sure they have their weapons at the READY”.  The officer smiles as he yells back to Caroline “MAM, YES, MAM”.


The officer then turns around, and yells to his troops, “You fucking pussies; get out of that stupid fucking truck, and “FRONT and CENTER, on the double, we don’t have all fucking night”.


Twenty five marines scramble out of the truck, and form a single fine with absolute precision.


The officer the screams, “TEN HUT” and twenty five young military personnel snap too.


“PRESENT ARMS”, shrieks the officer, and there is a dead confused look on all the marines, for they do not have their weapons.


Caroline then says to the officer in charge, “Sir, I’ll take it from here”.  The officer in charge smirks a little and replies, “MAM, YES MAM”.  The officer in charge then says softly to Caroline, “Have fun, I’m just going to watch and enjoy”.


Caroline immediately walks up to the end of the line of young over-sexed Marines and begins a slow deliberate inspection of the troops.  And as Caroline leisurely passes each of the marines, she strokes her hand against their crotch and squeezes their cock with some authority.  After all twenty-five men are inspected; Caroline walks to the center of the line, faces the troops and stands at attention.  Her massive and muscular chest thrust forward and every muscle in her nude body is enunciation.  She stands there for a few seconds and then screams at the top of her lungs, “You fucking maggots, you heard your commanding officer, “PRESENT ARMS”.


The twenty-five troops are confused; they do not have their weapons.  They actually break their “ATTENTION” stand and look at each other.


“WHO TOLD YOU ASSHOLES TO GO TO “AT EASE”, screams Caroline at the troops as all the troops then snap back to ATTENTION. 


Caroline then screams, “PRESENT ARMS”, again.  There is dead silence for a few seconds and then every Marine unzips his military trousers and pulls out their swollen cocks.  Caroline knew that the officer standing behind her has pulled out his cock just as she yelled “PRESENT ARMS”. 


She then walks up to the troops and again inspects the line of twenty-five Marines.  And after she inspects the entire line and begins a slow sexy stroll back down the line.  She notices that all the Marines are looking at her perfect muscular nude body with their eyes.  She finally stops in front of one young Marine, faces him, and snaps her fantastic body at attention.  Caroline is standing very close to the young Marine, as she snaps to attention, and she intentionally pushes her massive muscular breasts into the Marine and he falls back slightly.




The young Marine quickly recovers and stands at ATTENTION.  His lower chest is pressing hard against Caroline’s breasts and he can definitely feel her superb muscular breasts.


Caroline steps back slightly and yells at the young Marine, “Now get down and give me 100, you despicable excuse for a male”. 


The Marine immediately replies loud and with authority, “MAM, YES MAM” and then leaps to the ground and does 100 military pushups in about a minute as he counts out loud every pushup.  When finished, Caroline says, “Get your fucking ass up here and back in line you useless maggot”.  The Marine obeys without any questions.


Caroline then stares directly into the face of the young Marine and says, “So soldier, do you think you are strong, in fact, do you think you are stronger than me”.


The young Marine wasn’t even fazed by the 100 pushup, for him that exercise was very easy and replies back to Caroline in a loud and affirmative voice, “MAM, YES MAM”.


“YES MAM WHAT,------ ARE YOU STRONGER THAN ME”,  yells Caroline back?


“YES MAM, I’M STRONGER THAT YOU, MAM”, replies the young Marine.


Caroline smiles at the young Marine, and says to him in a soft sexy voice, “I don’t thing so and I’m going to prove that a shapely sexy young female can be billions upon billions of times stronger than any male, or well trained soldier”.


Caroline scans the line of Marines, backs up a few steps and marches over to their two and a half ton truck.  She goes directly to the center of the large truck and with her right hand, clasps the steel frame of the underside of the truck and lifts it up over her head with ease and carries the truck back to the Marines.  She places the truck back down of the ground with the front of the truck facing the Marines.  She walks up to the front of the truck and clasps the massive winch attached to the frame with her right hand.  Her fingers sink into the 4-centimeter thick steel frame of the winch, crushing the solid steel as if it is made of JELLO.  The thick steel screams in agony as Caroline’s finger easily mangles the heavy metal.  She then places her left hand on the solid steel bumper, directly where it attaches to the steel frame of the truck and with a single simple pull of her right hand, rips off the massive winch from the steel frame.  The massive bolts holding the winch in place are either burst apart or tear through the steel frame.  The sound of thick steel breaking and bending saturates the air as Caroline turns around and shows the Marines the massive winch.  She holds the winch over her head for a few seconds, and then turns around to the truck again and with her left hand, tear off the thick steel bumper of the truck with one fast jerk of her arm.  The thick steel bumper rips from the steel frame of the truck like a piece of paper from a note pad.


Caroline then turns around towards the Marines, smiles at them as says, “Guys, this is fun, sexy, and easy”.  So she takes the three meter long solid steel bumper and places it between her breasts, leaving equal parts of the long bumper above and below her breasts. Even though the bumper is 36 centimeter wide, it easily fits and stays snug in Caroline’s massive cleavage.  Now with her left hand free, Caroline grasps the steel frame of the truck where the steel bumper was once attached, and crumbles up the chunky metal in the palm of her hand until it’s a nice round handle.  She proceeds to lift the military two and a half ton truck straight up over her head and begins a series of one handed rep, counting off the reps with military precision. At the same time she spreads her muscular legs apart and slams the 20 ton capacity winch length-wise between her thighs.  The substantial frame of the electrical motor end of the massive winch in instantly crushed flat as it smashes into Caroline’s pussy.  The remaining parts of the motor which include the armature, drive shaft, bearings, and magnets are forces to mushroom out between Caroline’s upper thighs.  The gear case of the winch is compacted between her middle thighs and the steel cable roll is compressed between her lower thighs.


Caroline continues to do repeated one hand reps with the large military truck as she counts off.  At the same time she uses her left hand to easily bends the steel bumper around her left breast a complete 180 degrees. Then takes the folded, now double thick steel bumper and places it back in her cleavage with equal distance above and below her breasts.  A simple flex of her thigh muscles sends the steel of the 20 ton capacity winch into anguish.  The hardened thick steel simply crushes inward as Caroline’s legs muscles massage the steel as if its soft foam. The steel and cables basically conform to the shape of Caroline’s leg and thigh muscles.


Caroline looks up and surveys the troops standing at ATTENTION.  She observers the severe strain on their faces as they attempt to remain at ATTENTION, and their super swollen cocks, which are also at full ATTENTION.  


Caroline never misses a rep as she now increased the speed to her reps to double time and can barely count fast enough.  She again bends then double thick steel bumper completely around her left breast again and places the four fold thick bumper back into her cleavage.  This time the thick steel has to surrender to her cleavage as Caroline crushes part of the bumper down into her cleavage.  A flex of her legs in the other direction immediately demolishes more of the steel winch and flattens the massive steel winch to a quarter of its original size.


Caroline increases her one handed reps even more, almost shaking the truck apart and begins to count in fives instead of ones.  She again bends the four fold thick bumper around her left breast and takes it out and forces the eight folded steel bumper back between her large pert breasts.  She finally puts the steel winch out of its misery by closing her legs and crushing the entire assembly in half.  The mangle pieces just simply fall to the ground.


Caroline places the large truck back down on the ground, kicks the remains of the winch aside and walks up to the same Marine that she talked to before.  She stands directly in front of the Marine and begins to flex her chest muscles.  The thick slab of steel bumper lodges between her breasts is mangled, smashed, crushed, and grinded apart as the thick steel is transformed into a white-hot mass of molten metal by just the flexing of her chest muscles.  Steel breaks, mashes, drips, and falls to the ground until Caroline has destroyed every gram of steel lodged between her breasts.  She then stares at the young Marine and yells, “SOLIDER, NOW DO YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE STRONGER THAN A FEMALE”.


“MAM, NO MAM”, replies the Marine.


Caroline replies back to the Marine, “Solider, I have one more strength test for you.  Do you feel up to the task”?


“MAM, YES MAM”, replies the Marine in a loud positive tone.


Caroline smiles at the Marine, then looks around and observes a highway bridge under construction across a creek about 50 meters away.  The massive concrete structure is almost complete and rises about 20 meters above the ground.  There is also a large bulldozer parked near the enormous concrete foundation of the structure. So Caroline trots off towards the bridge’s foundation and support columns.  She aligns herself as she trots towards the bridge so the large bulldozer is directly in line with the one side of the concrete foundation.


Caroline continues to trot and slams her muscular nude body into the back of the bulldozer.  The steel frame of the rear end of the bulldozer surrenders immediately to Caroline’s body as her legs separate apart thick metal as if it were smoke.  Her swings arms puncture deep into the meat of the bulldozer, creating holes in the steel as easy as artillery shells into tin foil.  The bulldozer leaps forward from the enormous force of Caroline’s body slamming into the rear.  The oversized front blade digs into the pavement and creates a deep gouge in the ground as it heads for the solid concrete foundation of the bridge.  Caroline’s continues her steady trot, never slowing down her stride as her legs, arms, and breast devourer the center of the bulldozer. She purposely sways her firm round ass from side to side to push thick steel framing aside like its paper.  It takes about six steps for Caroline to be about half way through the bulldozer, but by this time, a massive amount of steel has compressed and piles up in front of her body.  This causes the bulldozer to lurch forward with every step Caroline takes. Her arms, legs, and breasts continue to devour the massive steel contraption like a T Rex would devour it prey.


Finally, the front section of the bulldozer slams into the massive solid concrete foundation of the bridge and abruptly stops moving forward.  However, Caroline does not stop and every ton of steel captured between her muscular perfect body and the concrete foundation is crushed, crumbled, mangled, or mashed against the concrete foundation and her strong body.  Any scraps of steel lucky enough to avoid Caroline’s directly advancing body are leached out the side of her body as a ooze with the consistence of  whip cream.  Caroline pushes her fabulous body against the concrete foundation, firmly forcing her hips and breasts into the concrete. Solid steel simply vaporizes and burns into the reinforced concrete as Caroline’s smooth tan skin presses billions of tons of energy against the solid concrete foundation.  She thrusts her shapely hips forward and obliterates both steel and concrete as the force of her hips sends the concrete foundation leaching forward several meters.  Several sections of the roadway come crashing down on Caroline, but she simply flicks her arms upward and sends tons of steel and concrete flying end over end.  And just as she turns around to observe the troops, both sides of the bulldozer fall aside as Caroline’s extremely strong muscles and body has completely sliced the massive bulldozer in half.


Caroline laughs as she analyzes the expressions on the Marines’ faces.  They are still at ATTENTION and their dicks are pulsating with super sexual drive. 


Caroline then turns back to the bridge, looks at the end concrete column supporting what’s remaining of the roadway.  The concrete column is 1 meter wide, 2 meters deep and 20 meters tall.  She meanders to the two meter side, purposely picking up chunks of mangled thick steel and rubs the mangle steel against her body.  She first massages the steel against her thighs, turning it into a bubbling white hot liquid as her hands press the steel against her flawless skin.  She continues to pick up chunks of thick steel with her hands and massages it into her super flat stomach.  Again the steel turns into a hot liquid that Caroline’s rubs over her skin as if it an expensive body lotion.  She continues her rubdown with solid steel, kneading the steel across and between her magnificent large breasts.  The steel melts and oozes between her fingers as she gently rubs her nipples with the palms of her hands.


After Caroline is finished her special massage with super hit liquefied steel, she struts up to the reinforced concrete column, stretches out her arms, and wraps them around the concrete column.  And with a gently nudge from her shoulder muscles, tears the reinforced concrete column from the foundation.  A slight twist of her round sexy hips rotates the concrete column 90 degrees and causes it to break free of the upper roadway.  Large chunks of concrete and jagged steel come raining down on Caroline’s body, but they just harmlessly bounce off her body without leaving the slights mark on her skin.


Caroline holds the massive concrete column vertically as she runs back to the troops.  She purposely walks over the remains of one side of the bulldozer, crushing down and apart several large sections of steel with her feet.  She hurries to the troops, stands directly in front of the one Marine she as singled out, and stands there in front of him with the concrete column still held vertically over her head.  However, the bottom of the column, where it was violently torn from the foundation, has many steel thick steel reinforcing bars with chunks of concrete attached, still dangling from the structure.  Caroline says to the young healthy Marine, “Please excuse me while I sexually remove these steel rods, I don’t like to speak to anyone unless I can clearly see their smiling face”.  The young Marine just stares at Caroline in amazement and never says a word.


Caroline turns sideways and lowers the massive column from the vertical to the horizontal position, parallel to the standing troops and to the ground.  The massive weight of the concrete column only feels like a balloon to Caroline. She eyes the young Marine as she takes a deep breath and thrusts out her large firm breasts. She then sways her end of the massive concrete column back and forth as she brings it into her body.  Caroline’s super hard nipples then begin their task of gouging, slicing, scraping, and cutting the steel reinforcing bars from the bottom of the steel column. Within a few seconds, a pile of cut steel rods is lying at Caroline’s feet as her super hard engorged nipple make instant waste of the solid steel.


Once Caroline has finished cutting off all the steel reinforcing rods with her nipples, she raises the column back up vertically over her head, and gazes at the young Marine with a sexy smile.  “Soldier, how would you now compare my strength to men”, says Caroline.


The young Marine answers in an amazed tone of voice, “MAM, your are stronger than a billion men, MAM”.


Caroline replies back to the soldier, “    Soldier, are you ready to show me your strength again”.  “MAM, YES MAM” is his quick loud reply.


Caroline smashes the concrete column onto the ground and it lands with a deadening thud.  It’s parallel to the troops about 3 meters back from their line and centered directly in front of her young Marine.  She walks around between the column and the young Marines and she sits on the concrete column directly in front of her one special Marine.  And as Caroline sits on the edge of the concrete column, she gracefully sways her firm round young ass across the edge of the concrete column and easily rounds off the sharp edge of the column.  Her firm ass smoothes and rounds down almost 30 centimeters of concrete and steel rods in about 20 seconds as she settles into a comfortable position facing the Marine.  Caroline then spread her legs wide, leans her upper sexy body back so her arm rests on the concrete column, forces her breasts outward, and takes her index finger of her right hand and wets it with her tongue.  She stares at the young soldier and says to him in a sexy seductive voice, “Marine, now get down and give ME 100”.


The young Marine first looks as Caroline and her nude super muscular body in a sexually provocative position, and then looks at the Officer in charge.  The Officer in charge indicates in no uncertain terms what he is supposed to accomplish.  The young marine immediately removes his trousers, jumps on Caroline’s body, thrusts his hot hard cock into her wet pussy and begins to screw her as he counts off from 1 to 100.


The young Marine pounds Caroline’s sexy muscular spread out body with the ferocity of a jackhammer, for within 20 seconds he has already counted to 50.  Nevertheless, Caroline knows he is only a weak male, so she wraps her long powerful legs around the back of the Marine, grabs his hips with her hands and gives him a special boost.  Caroline thrusts her hands, her legs, and her hips in perfect synchronization and completes the next 50 strokes of his cock inside her body in less than 5 seconds.  The poor Marine’s manhood explodes his manhood in a violent eruption and he is left in a state of exhaustion.  Caroline carefully lifts him off her nude body and places him on the ground.  She next swings her long powerful legs across the top of the concrete column, wrapping them around the concrete.  She places her hands on her hips, and slowly scans the line of Marines.  At the same time, she begins to close her legs and she effortlessly crushes the massive column of concrete in half by simply flexing her leg and thigh muscles.  It is a very sexy and provocative demonstration of her extreme strength and she watches with delights as about half the young soldiers burst their manhood from their super hard cocks high into the air.


After Caroline has completely crushed and crumbled the concrete column in half, she stands up and walks over to the Officer in charge and says, “Excellent young soldiers, well disciplined, and in good physical condition.  Have all 25 soldiers report to my class next Thursday at 2100 hours.  They will be my first test for my students”.


The Officer replies to Caroline, “They will be there. Oh Caroline, by the way, will you still require a battalion of tanks as requested earlier”.   Caroline replies, “With these five students, you better make that 5 battalions of tanks and 5 battalions of heavy artillery, plus you will need to increase your infantry about 10 fold”.  The Officer smiles and replies, “MAM, YES MAM, it will be as you request. See you nest Thursday”.


Chapter 4:   Strength times 10000 for the five young women and the five students get a pop quiz from Caroline.